
Monday, February 23, 2009

Bent and smoldering

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. In his name the nations will put their hope.

Isaiah 42:3-4 & Matthew 12:20-21

Truth, while Christ promises will set us free, is sometimes difficult to even acknowledge and harder to bear. Particularly truth about our past sins and their consequences. We know that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; and sin carries with it a death sentence. And while sin is sin, no one being any greater than another, some carry more immediate consequences. And those consequences, reactions to our sinful actions, can pummel us to the breaking point. Hurt beyond all reason; clothe us with pain seemingly insurmountable.

But another promise from our Mighty Creator, Elohim, is that He is gentle. He will not break those who are bent and bruised past what we think is possible for us to stand. When we are so buffeted that it feels like our flame has been extinguished, He will not snuff out our wick. He sent His only Son, Jesus to tenderly guide us towards justice and victory. It is through these trials that we will learn to place our hope evermore in Him!

When we expose the truth of our past dark deeds, we may be so brokenhearted, so trampled by the enemy, that we feel as if even this exposure will break us. But God will not allow us to be ruined in our attempts at reconciliation with him. He will not let our past overcome His future for us. He will tenderly guide us towards His victory. So that through our brokenness, His glory is even more evident. And those around us will also place their hope in Him!

Though He is mighty enough to speak the universe into existence, He is gentle enough to keep even the most bruised reed from breaking. Whatever your heartache, He can heal it.

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