Dearest friend,
If you are here and it seems that I am not these days, I want you to know that I have not abandoned you. Rather, I am in the middle of great deal of chaos, albeit exciting chaos. I have decided to take a few, small steps of faith this Lenten season and start living like I believe what I have felt in my heart these many years.
First, I am returning to seminary in the fall. Though this decision causes great financial stress for me, of the how can I ask this of my family variety, it pales in comparison to the expansive unfurling of my soul when I am there. It is a great privilege that I have been afforded and I am determined not to waste it.
Second, I am currently writing a book. I have no agent, nor publisher, nor book deal. I don’t even have any letters behind my name yet (thus lending credence to any insights I might offer). I have no idea what will come of this endeavor. But I am faithfully putting the words that have been churning in me these many years to virtual paper, in the hopes that what I have learned over the course of a few decades will edify those who want more of Christ than they historically been offered. I am telling you this, dearest reader, because there have been so many times in the past few months that I’ve quit. Snapped the laptop shut, it’s easier to just watch my favorite shows because one day it feels like everyone already knows this and other days it seems that no one will ever budge, quit. Thus, I need the accountability; because it is hard, sometimes too much so, and I just can’t quit this.
Finally, I am moving this blog. Because I need to be more accessible, more integrated, more involved with those who stumble across my words. However, as with any move, there is a great deal of work involved; particularly as you’re setting up the new place. I am no web designer. I am no tech-savant. I am challenged beyond my skill set in this undertaking. Yet I strive to meet the goal of this undertaking. I will be officially launching my new site sometime after Easter, complete with a giveaway. I’ll keep you apprised of the details as they are cemented; but until then, stop by and poke around. As I’m the entire I.T. department for this endeavor, I beg your grace as this project comes together.
And I thank you, dear friend, for your loyalty
and trust in me over these six years. It
has been quite the ride!
~ Jen
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