
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 6: Awesomely Thankful

Slowing down.
Finding God in the busy crush of daily life.  Where He is sometimes pushed aside; until we have a great need of Him.  The Lover of our souls, made to wait, our affections growing stale and brittle out of what we claim as necessity. 
Can you hear His voice, tender as a lover, calling your treasured name? 
Do you see His love, laid out before you as a lavish celebration of His delight in you?
 Can you feel His breath on your cheek, as He whispers sonnets written just for you?
Most days, in the hurry-scurry rushing of surviving the day-to-day, I feel like I leave my awesome under the pile of needs-to-be-folded laundry, or soaking in the sink of dirty dishes.  If there were more hours in the day, Lord; or maybe another day in the week, one that I could just devote to catching up.  Then, if I were properly prepared, I would have time to devote to polishing my awesome; and recognizing myself in the reflection.  But I don’t believe this season is for monastic stillness.  Children, by their very nature, require time.  As does friendship; and love.  Time, the commodity traded so easily; yet in its slipping away, awesomeness is neglected, forgotten. 
I polished it bit today.  I pushed aside the incessant “to-do’s” and focused, instead on thankfulness.  And the recollection of these thanks made me recall a bit of the shimmering glory of the awesome.  It helped me to see the presence of God in my days, whether I’d noticed it then, or not.  It made me smile.
So I realized I need to be more aware, to practice looking for God’s presence in my day, to recall the awesome.  I need to be present, fully, in the moment in order to invoke the awesome.  Distraction, busy-ness, merely doing the next thing is merely survival.  And I long for awesome.    
I will take a moment, take time to recall His lavish gifts to you.  See how He has wooed me; how He woos me still.  Be still, breathe in the quiet.  Let myself see God’s love unfolding before me, in His way for only me.  Mark it; capture it within my heart.  Store it up for the dry times of the soul.  Lay this foundation, daily; and let the weight of my life rest upon it.  I am cherished.  I am delighted in.  I am loved by the Creator of the universe, the Author of all eternity. 
I will see these gifts and treasure them and recognize their meaning in my life.  Here, I will record them, daily adding to their number.  May they speak only of You, o Lord.  May You be honored here, for Your love is the orb encircling my life.  


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