
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Uniquely the same

We all suffer from moments of griping uncertainty; where we know that we are not capable of the task before us. We hold, without question, that whatever it is we are called to do is beyond us. And we believe that we are too small, too insignificant, to make a difference or do something that matters. We agree with ourselves that we can't have much to offer, so we settle for insignificance or mediocrity. But we have not been created to be mediocre ~ and not one of GOD's children is insignificant!

Regardless of the past sin, Jesus paid the same price for each of us. He paid the same price for abortion as He did for disobedience to parents. He shed the same blood for adultery as for coveting. Murder, idolatry, lust ~ each of these cost the same. And Christ paid, in full, the price for each.

Because of that payment, the very same Holy Spirit comes into the heart of every person who believes Christ died for their sins. The same Holy Spirit that resides in Beth Moore, resides in me. The same Holy Spirit that lives in Chuck Smith, or the Rev. Billy Graham, or even the apostle Paul, lives in me. Regardless of who you are or what you've done, if you have believed in Jesus and asked His forgiveness for your sins ~ you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty!

As you know, I'm no Beth Moore, nor Chuck Smith, nor the apostle Paul. What separates me from these venerable teachers is how I respond to this indwelling. How well I listen, obey, even seek Him. So it is not our sins, our maturity, or even our gender that determines our impact for God's kingdom. It is in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. If I choose to ignore Him, I will follow my own, however well-intentioned, path to futility. If I am in constant commune with Him, I will see my feet set upon the path laid out for me since before time began. And if I willingly submit my self to His design, I will be used greatly for His glory!

This does not mean that if I seek after Him with reckless abandon that I am destined to be the next Beth Moore. There is no "next" Beth Moore, Chuck Smith, or Paul the apostle. If I am listening intently to His stirrings in my heart, then I will become the Jennifer He intended me to be. And that, I am finding, is infinitely better than striving to be a shadow of someone else.

So while I am saved by the same grace, ministered to by the same spirit, and empowered by the same Almighty GOD ~ I am uniquely qualified, by His very design, to serve His kingdom and glorify Him as only I can! In this sameness, our uniqueness is fully realized; and His plan is completely glorious!

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