Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
~Lamentations 3:21-24
Wait. It’s a word not frequently heard in our society.
Want your tax refund? Well, give us 20 minutes (and $300) and we’ll write you a check… Want a house? Apply now and we’ll approve you immediately… Want to lose weight? Take these pills and drop 10 pounds by morning…
No, waiting is not an American trait.
Yet, that is what we, as followers of Christ, are called to do. Wait. Not just wait; but wait on the Lord. In our culture of “gimme NOW,” we can loose sight of what it means to wait on the Lord. I certainly have at times. I want to be used by the Lord right this second. I want my trails alleviated this instant.
Sometimes, we [as followers of Jesus Christ] are called to wait it out. Whatever “it” happens to be. It could be a marriage that has seemingly gone sour. A financial situation in which there is no reprieve in sight. Cancer. Loss of a job. A nebulous preparation of our spirit for our next venture. Whatever the context, we are told to be patient, be still, and to wait on the LORD.
Waiting is never easy. I don’t believe it was meant to be. [Perhaps that is why as Americans, we find waiting so abhorrent ~ it’s uncomfortable at best.] Waiting, I believe, is just another desert [think: wandering in the wilderness for 40 years] meant to draw us further into the arms of our Father. It is a method used to focus our attention on the heart of God; to seek His face, His will above our own.
And in our waiting, we have the most amazing opportunity to discover more of the heart of God. To attend even closer to His plans for our lives. We are able to discover, on a new level, what it means personally for God to be our portion. Daily. Hourly. Breath by breath.
I can write this now, with complete faith, because I have lived a part of it. In years past, my husband and I were surviving our marriage at best. We weren’t fulfilled. We weren’t even content. We were literally surviving one another. And to that end, we each had to abandon our ideas of happily ever after and cling solely to the promise that God would be enough. Each moment. And there were days, for both of us, that God had to be enough in that moment.
And He was. Every moment. Every breath. God was enough. He was our portion. His mercies and His love covered everything. Years of waiting on the LORD has blossomed into an even greater happily-ever-after than I could have ever imagined, if left to my own devices. And I believe my husband would say the same [at least, he has said the same to me privately.]
I don’t know what situation you’re facing right now. I can’t fathom how it’s affecting you. But I do know that the God of the universe, the beginning and the end of all things, is holding you in His hands. He’s waiting for you to let go; to surrender control. He wants you to give whatever “it” is to Him. And you are just to wait. Cling to Him; and wait. His love and mercy will cover you anew every morning. And He will never let you go.
It will be the most worthwhile endeavor you’ve undertaken. Just…